The Creativity within...
Sometimes I feel like I was adopted by a group of Haitians from Boston. Two members of the group are close college friends and over time I was drafted into their inner circle of childhood brothers. We endearingly refer to our group as the Brotherhood: a circle of men who teach and learn from each other as we grow.
@Jkicka is a talisman for the Brotherhood. He's also a premier voice in the sneaker game. An avid "SneakerHead" since his days as a teenager, @Jkicka curates a collection of 200+ pairs of the hottest, most unique, and impossible-to-find kicks, many unworn and in mint condition. "This is my creativity man," says J. "I've been doing this a long time now. I know this art, like any person knows their passion."
Passion is something that J is known for within his circles. He speaks to me, and others, with the cadence and charisma of a devout preacher. "Never fight the creativity within you," he commands me with an activist's emotion. "Find an outlet for it, and don't fear putting it out into the world."
He's encouraged me over the years to continue to be creative. When I stopped DJing regularly, J was disappointed because he loves my creative spirit and energy. He was thrilled when I began to pour those elements into visuals. "You're up next, guy, I see it. I feel it," J says to me. "Keep putting your passion out there, and one day someone will curate a collection of your art, like I do with these kicks."